Any of the languages can be used: Spanish, Galician, Portuguese, French, Italian or English.
There will be a limit on the number of papers that each person can present, and on the number of authors per communication.
The standard format of the papers will be a single slide as a presentation in horizontal orientation A0 (119 cm wide and 89 cm high) as a pdf file. For the presentation they will have a maximum time of 10 minutes, at the end of the session there will be a time for debate. There will be a moderator in each classroom for the presentation of the communications that will also control the time, they will publicly notify one minute before and when the maximum time for the presentation of the communication will be fulfilled. The authors of accepted and submitted communications will be accredited by means of a document sent as an attachment to the communication contact email. Attendance will be accredited with a document sent as an attachment to the registration contact email.
Attendance and presentation of works to Expouniversitas- Innovation and Research University Forum will be accredited.
Accepted works will be public during the celebration of Expouniversitas- Innovation and Research University Forum.